Latest News - Bio1 Systems

April 2023
Bio1 Systems completes a Phase II Enhancement Award through the US Defense Health Agency for the project titled: “Improved Human Machine Interface Usability for Clinical Healthcare Providers to Enter Data into Electronic Health Records.”

September 2022
Bio1 Systems begins a 2-year Phase II SBIR Award through the Expeditionary Technology Search (xTechSearch) Dual-Use Technologies to solve challenging Army problems, SBIR Topic A19-166.

November 2021
Bio1 Systems completes a project to support the National Emergency Tele Critical Care Network (NETCCN).

August 2021
Bio1 Systems completes a Phase I SBIR Award through the Expeditionary Technology Search (xTechSearch) Dual-Use Technologies to solve challenging Army problems, SBIR Topic A19-166.

February 2021
Bio1 Systems incorporated (converted from an LLC to a C-Corp).

January 2021
Bio1 Systems completes a Phase II SBIR contract for the US Defense Health Agency for a project titled: “Improved Human Machine Interface Usability for Clinical Healthcare Providers to Enter Data into Electronic Health Records.” This work was supported by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command under Contract No.W81XWH-18-C-0096.

December 2020
Bio1 Systems was awarded a top prize among the 9 US finalists in the NIST Tech to Protect Final Seed and Progress Round.

May 2020
Bio1 Systems was selected to receive a SEED award from the US NIST Tech-to-Protect Challenge.

February 2020
Bio1 Systems was selected for a Phase I Award for the “Expeditionary Technology Search (xTechSearch) Dual-Use Technologies to solve challenging army problems” from the US Army SBIR Program.

January 2020
Bio1 Systems has been selected as a finalist in the US NIST Tech to Protect Challenge for Contest 10 (solutions that improve response for locating, tagging, and tracking patients in mass casualty incidents).

December 2019
Bio1 Systems was selected to advance to Phase II of the US Army’s xTechSearch 4.0 (Expeditionary Technology Search) competition.

October 2019
Bio1 Systems received a 2019 TechConnect Defense Innovation Award at the Defense TechConnect Summit and Expo in National Harbor, MD.

May 2019
Bio1 Systems’ abstract was selected for the 2019 Military Health System Research Symposium at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, August 19–22, 2019. Abstract title: Improved Human Machine Interface For Combat Medics To Capture And Transfer Clinical Data To An Electronic Health Record System. Session: Clinical Decision Support, Medical Robotics, and Autonomous Medical Systems for Prolonged Care and Evacuation.

August 2018
Bio1 Systems begins a Phase II SBIR contract for the US Defense Health Agency for a project titled: “Improved Human Machine Interface Usability for Clinical Healthcare Providers to Enter Data into Electronic Health Records.” The Phase II award started on August 27, 2018. This work is supported by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command under Contract No.W81XWH-18-C-0096.